An impactful two years: our journey with Let’s Feed Brum


As many of you will already know, JW Hinks partners with a new charity every year in an effort to give something back to the community and make a positive impact in the lives of people who need it most. However, we were so impressed with our charity partner for 2022, Let’s Feed Brum, that we decided to break with tradition and continue working with them through 2023 as well.

Let’s Feed Brum is on a mission to end homelessness in the midlands. It distributes urgently needed supplies and offers support to homeless people and people at risk of homelessness, organises monthly events where its food truck visits accommodation like shelters and refuges, and operates a chatline that provides emotional support. Volunteers go out on the streets to connect with rough sleepers every night, too.

At JW Hinks, we believe in active participation – rolling up our sleeves and getting our hands dirty. This made Let’s Feed Brum a very fitting partner for us. With our partnership now coming to an end, we’d like to take a look back at what we managed to accomplish together.

2023: a year of giving back

All through 2023, JW Hinks organised fundraising events to bolster Let’s Feed Brum’s crucial work. Below, we have highlighted some of the most memorable events from the calendar.

Highlights from our fundraising journey

  • JW Hinks Classic Afternoon Tea: Our year of giving started in March, raising over £190
  • Chocolate Egg Treasure Hunt: April saw us engage in a traditional Easter event, bringing in an additional £26
  • Charity Summer BBQ: In June, we fired up the grill and raised an additional £303
  • Office Games: we raised £103 in September with our office games event
  • Christmas Fayre: On the 20th of December, our team came together for a Christmas fayre

Comedy Night and Beyond

Our final event with Let’s Feed Brum took place on the 16th of April, where Kirsty and the team were honoured to attend the charity’s comedy night at the fabulous Itihaas Group restaurant. It was an evening filled with laughter, delicious food, and heartfelt camaraderie. We were privileged to present Let’s Feed Brum with a cheque for £5000, the culmination of our year-long fundraising efforts.

We would like to thank our team, clients, and supporters for their generosity and compassion. This donation is the direct result of your rallying behind this important cause. We would also like to thank our charity committee, amongst which include – Hannah Owen, Shannon Harris, Sarah Benson, Kirsty Jackson, Lisa Boylan, Harshita Shah and Palak Jain – for their pivotal role in this incredibly important area.

Let’s Feed Brum’s work continues

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our journey with Let’s Feed Brum. We are incredibly proud of everything we’ve accomplished over the last two years, and remain deeply impressed by the charity’s work.

While our formal partnership with Let’s Feed Brum may be coming to an end, our commitment to serving our community remains steadfast. If you’d like to continue supporting this wonderful charity and the important work they do, please consider making a donation at

Get in touch

JW Hinks LLP
19 Highfield Road, Edgbaston,
Birmingham B15 3BH

Phone: +44 (0) 121 456 0190
Fax: +44 (0) 121 456 0191